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In-library access only. Genealogy database providing access to hundreds of millions of records.


Streaming audiobooks allow you to listen online at your convenience. There are over 1,000 titles for adults, children and teens, including fiction, nonfiction, classics and Spanish language audiobooks. No downloading necessary.


Beanstack helps you reach your reading goals, while having fun! Log what you read, participate in reading challenges, see what your friends are reading and win badges. Log in with your library card to jumpstart your reading today.


Public library services for Canadians with print disabilities. Books, magazines, newspapers and more!


Download eBooks and audiobooks to your computer or mobile apps.

Consumer Reports

Expert ratings, buying advice, user reviews and more.

Cypress Resume

Build professional-looking resumes and custom cover letters in minutes! Simply type in your personal information and leave the difficult task of writing concise, descriptive statements to Cypress Resume.

Frontier Life

Frontier Life is a digital collection of primary sources including material from the Hudson Bay Archives and the Glenbow Archives. It is now available to all libraries across Canada.

Global Road Warrior

Offers world-class e-content, including more than 8 million words of editorial, over 6,500 color photos and 1,575 country maps, all presented in a consistent 92-category framework for each country. Created by an international team of researchers, cartographers and writers, the database is continually updated. Please note: you will be required to enter your library barcode number when redirected to this site.

Grant Connect

In-library access only. An innovative and comprehensive tool that connects charities with funders who share their cause. Search more than 3,000 Canadian grant-making foundations as well as corporations and government funded programs.