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New Sarepta Public Library

Come on down! The faces are friendly, and if we do not have what you are looking for, we can most likely get it brought in for you! Nestled within the County of Leduc, New Sarepta Library is only a short drive away from the cities of Leduc, Camrose, Wetaskiwin, and Edmonton. 

Angie Guderjan, Library Director 

(780) 975-7513

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Mission & Philosophy

Our library contributes to the well-being and health of our community by providing information, supporting literacy and bringing people together. Because of our participation in the Yellowhead Regional Library System, our library is a single point of access to millions of movies, books, CDs, DVDs, events and more.

We can help you find exactly what you are looking for!

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Our Values
  • Intellectual Freedom
  • Literacy & Lifelong Learning
  • Service & Organizational Excellence
  • Innovation
  • Community Collaboration
  • Accessibility & Inclusiveness
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Local History

Looking Back

Enjoy a look at the history of New Sarepta. A trip down memory lane for some, an opportunity to learn about a new community for others, this book includes photos, stories and memories of some of the first families to settle here and their descendants. Take a Look Back!

Looking Back: The Sequel

With new information to 2004, the Sequel to New Sarepta - Looking Back includes new stories and accounts from families living in and around the (then) Village of New Sarepta.

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Inter-Library Loan

If the library material you want to borrow isn't available through the library's online catalogue, you can request material to be brought in from outside of the TRAC system.

Search for and place holds on materials from any participating Alberta Public or Academic Library with the Relais D2D Inter-Library Loan service. 

*Please note that ILLO requests may take significantly longer to fill due to the pandemic.

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Online Privacy and Access to Information Statement


The Yellowhead Regional Library is a consortium of 43 public and 43 school libraries. This statement addresses your online privacy and access to information through the Yellowhead Regional Library's headquarters Integrated Library System (ILS) and website.

The Yellowhead Regional Library Board and staff are subject to the Libraries Act and Regulation R.S.A. 2000 Chap. L-11 and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP), and uphold the Canadian Federation of Library Associations’ (CFLA) Statement on Intellectual Freedom and Libraries.

The Yellowhead Regional Library Board’s bylaws and policies are publicly available, including its Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) bylaw and Information Technology policy.

Collection and Disclosure of Personal Information

The System only collects the amount of personal information needed to conduct library services and programs. Personally identifiable information contained in the patron record includes:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number(s)
  • Email address

Patron records with charges below the defined threshold are purged after they have been expired for two years.

The System does not collect personal information for commercial marketing or distribution to private organizations. The System will only disclose personal information:

a. to law enforcement in response to a court order, such as a warrant, subpoena, or other legal compulsion.

b. in partnership with other Alberta libraries and library systems for the purposes of sharing materials under conditions defined in existing resource sharing agreements and programs (e.g. interlibrary loan agreements, TAL Card, ME Libraries), collecting fees or fines, and retrieving borrowed materials.

c. for the purpose of contacting next of kin or emergency response personnel in the case of an

Tracking and Security

Cookies – When you visit a website it may deposit a piece of data, called a web cookie, with the temporary web browser files on your computer. If you wish, you can change the settings on your web browser to deny cookies, or to warn you when a site is about to deposit cookies on your hard drive.

Encryption – The System’s website links patrons to their My Account on TRACpac and Relais for borrowing purposes. These consortia use encryption during the login process/transmission of a patron’s library card, username, and PIN.

eResources – The System subscribes to various databases found under the eResources tab of the System’s and our libraries’ websites. The administrative software of the databases may identify individual patron barcodes with specific titles read, however the System only uses the information anonymously to aggregate usage by patron’s registered library. The System does not analyze individual patron usage. Users may read the databases’ privacy policies on their home pages.

External Links – The System’s website links to other websites and eResources that may collect personal information. Users should review the privacy policies of these sites before providing them with personal data.

Reading History – Patrons can save their reading histories on TRACpac. These lists are private unless the patron chooses to share them, and the System will not share these lists, except when in response to a law enforcement court order, such as a warrant, subpoena, or other legal compulsion.

SimplyReports – The System utilizes SimplyReports software to pull data from the ILS in order to create custom reports and to assist with identifying recent borrowers of a lost or damaged library item. This information can only be drawn for the last five borrowers of an item and is only used for the stated purpose of retrieving missing pieces, missing items, and to invoice for damage or loss.

Usage Statistics – The System uses Google Analytics to discover usage of the System’s and our libraries’ websites. Google Analytics uses cookies. Users may read Google Analytics’ policies.

Parental Responsibility for Minors

Yellowhead Regional Library does not act in loco parentis. Parents and legal guardians take responsibility for what their children access on and through the System’s website. No age restrictions or filters apply to the System’s databases, eResources, or links to external sites, and the System’s Internet access is not filtered.

Programs and Events

Online Forms and Electronic Communication with System Staff – The System may provide online forms for facilitating services or resource acquisition suggestions. These forms will require some user personal information. The System will gather only the personal information necessary to facilitate the registration or request, and the personal information will not be used for any other purpose. Personal information provided to System staff through any other electronic communications, such as email, text, etc. will be used only to facilitate the request submitted.

Social Media

The System may provide access to social media. Users posting comments to the System’s social media should be aware of the public nature of such posts and of their responsibility to exercise caution when sharing personally identifiable information over social media.

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Terms of Use

These are the terms of use

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In-library access only. Genealogy database providing access to hundreds of millions of records.


Beanstack helps you reach your reading goals, while having fun! Log what you read, participate in reading challenges, see what your friends are reading and win badges. Log in with your library card to jumpstart your reading today.


Public library services for Canadians with print disabilities. Books, magazines, newspapers and more!